He's the kind of guy who will wear a pirate-like tank top and somehow be able to pull it off. He'll drag us to American Apparel so that he can buy a neon orange (or whatever color it was) for a party he's going to that night. He'll be randomly positive about circumstances but really be pessimistic about life in general. He is pretty observant for a guy. When you first meet him you think that he's a mute but he just doesn't talk if he doesn't have to. When ever you walk around with him, you find people always staring at you. And then you realize they are all girls. And then you make the connection that they are not staring at you but checking Josiah out. He dyes his hair all the time. And because he is a guy he gets away with doing it all the time because it doesn't take long for it to grow out.
Currently he lives in North Carolina and I don't get to hang out with him. But he's still one of my favorite people.
hahahaha thats tooo funny..
and by the way that poem was pretty good jane!!
you should post more of them..!
oh josiah.
jo jo!!
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