Sunday, August 3, 2008

Run Run Run

I love running. I really do. I wish I just had the stamina to run for longer periods of time and at a faster rate. But lately I have gotten into the habit of going on sporadic runs in the evening if I am at home. I just run around the neighborhood. It is really not a long run but it causes me to depart from the regular evenings of stationary television watching.

And while going on these runs, I have found the best place to sit and watch the sunset. It has become my favorite place in the world. I love watching the sun set. It never gets old to me. So in order to watch the sunset after a good hard run I look up what time the sunsets exactly and if I start my run off early enough I am able to make it to this place before the sun goes down.

On my last run I decided to take my camera so that I could take pictures.

Really I took a whole bunch of these sunset pictures but really a picture of a sunset cannot be felt by a person unless they experienced the actual sunset.

This is what I call purple mountains majesty.

And I took Turbo. A relatively new addition to our household that is the best running dog partner ever. He doesn't bark at any of the other dogs in the neighborhood, he stays by my side, and he sits with me on the rock while I watch the sunset.

I really want to name this place but I am kind of afraid that if I get too attached to this place, I will jinx it and developers will come and build houses on the property and forever take away this place from me and the others lucky individuals of the neighborhood who take refuge in this place. Even though most of these individuals are delinquents who choose to express their love for so and so by graffiti-ing (yeah not really a word, I know) it on the rock and leaving their trash to deteriate in the wind. I guess to each their own.


Danielle Fletcher. said...

I found you!

I had a place that I used to run to in my neighborhood and watch the sunset from.
now it's gated off and they're building big stupid houses there.
I hope you get to keep yours.
we're so much alike sometimes, it's ridiculous.
you are forever my best complementary friend.

Nikol Schiller said...

i like that doggy. it's way cute.

beautiful pictures, jane! i'm glad you found a secret spot that makes you happy!