Saturday, May 15, 2010

Eight Days.

Ugh, I have not posted in a while.

So here it goes. I leave for Chicago in eight days. That is the one thing that I cannot stop thinking about lately. And I want to just pack for it but there doesn't seem to be any reason to have a suitcase full of clothes that I still want to wear for the next few days. So I can't necessarily pack.

But I still have to gather things that I need. Like my passport (for identification) and a copy of my TB test.

Oh and there is my birthday on my Monday. I'm excited for tonight because we are having the family dinner celebration and my roommates get to meet my family. Or vice versa. Instead of bringing home boyfriends, I bring home roommates. It works.

I have to be honest with you, I am freaking out about Chicago. I don't know what to expect. And I thought I would know. But I'm realizing that it is going to be a long ten weeks. And it is good to not have expectations. I learned that from going to Louisiana when I had too many expectations.

But I'm still freaking out. Also I hate packing. So even when it is a reasonable time to actually pack up, I'm going to hate my life. No big deal. But I'm really good at it. Making the most out of the space in my bag is a talent I am quite proud of. Just ask my mom how good I was at packing the grocery cart when we went to the grocery store. It was amazing. But I still don't like the actual packing.

And plane rides! I don't like those either. But it will only be four hours. But really, security at those airports just give me anxiety. And then it doesn't make for a pleasant plane ride.

But get this, for the way home, I planning on taking the train. How awesome would that be? Because I am probably going to have gathered a whole bunch of stuff and it won't fit back in nicely into my suitcase when I am probably going to pack it to the brim. So if you have any requests about receiving anything, better tell me now.

Oh that's right because there's no wireless internet. And the only computer with internet is in the office, so my facebooking, blogging, emailing, etc is probably going to be limited. (But I still have twitter.) And I'm actually pretty excited about the limited internet access because then I know I won't be wasting my life checking facebook which has been a constant pattern since school ended.

And if any of you want to mail me something nice, here is my mailing address:
5047 N. Spaulding Ave
Chicago, IL, 60625

I'm actually kind of hesitant to just put that out there but it's not where I'm going to be staying. Just the mailing address.

It's amazing what we just put out on the internet and are somewhat comfortable with.

1 comment:

MANAU said...

Nice freinds and u too
godd bless them and u also
hmmm thnx