Monday, September 29, 2008

"I'm glad you are in my life"

So today I learned via Facebook that a family that I babysat for the three years before I left for college got hit by a drunk driver. The mom and the kids were in the car. I found out not too long ago that they are okay, just a little shook up. At first it seemed so not real. I just saw these people at church on Sunday and now I hear completely out of the blue that they were at the hospital. And really I remember mostly just brushing her off at church. I was more interested in the high schoolers and my friends who were my age.

Everytime after I was done babysitting, she would walk me out to my car, talk with me a little bit, make me laugh and tell me to drive safely. Every time. But did I ever tell her that those talks meant something to me? I really don't think I did. I am just so thankful that she and the kids are alright.

These are the kids. Aren't they just so adorable? Except really, they are little terrors.

I know this sounds so cliche and trite that just because I could have potentially lost someone valuable to me, I'm going to start treating everybody like they really matter to me. And really I probably won't change much. I am curious as to how this will affect me though. Like all this time that I spend on Facebook or other internet sights, even this blog, why am I not writing letters or doing homework or reading books for pleasure or outside playing soccer or spending time with my community?

Because this is just easier. I really thought that I was changing. I am asking those questions that my friends can't just say "Fine" to. I want to know what is going on in their life. But maybe there is something that I am missing. I think I am going to try and find that. This is kind of ironic because I keep losing things. Like my school I.D. which I usually find in some bag or jeans pocket. Or my watch, which still hasn't shown up. And my mind, which hopefully will come back to me soon. I really need to start searching.

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