Friday, October 3, 2008

Oh roommates.

So last night, I don't get back from work until midnight. I come in and all three of my roommates are in the living area studying and doing homework. I go to my room and drop off a bag and I hear Ariel say "Kai, do it." Oh no, I think to myself, what ridiculous thing have they found to laugh about now?

So I walk out of my room and Kai has a blanket around her head and she is crouching on the floor. All I see of her is her face and her eyes are oddly big and round so it looks rather odd. It reminds me of the creature Bartok from the Disney version of Anastasia (even though it was completely inaccurate, I really like this movie). Here is a picture of Bartok in case you cannot recall what he looked like.
I really was not amused by it. In fact, I kind of just kept walking and Kai seemed to just bounce off of me and ended up sprawled out on the floor.
Anyway, they also made a video before I got back from work. I highly encourage you to watch it so that you can understand the type of people I live with.

Anyway, I am exhausted and so I head off to bed, but I cannot fall asleep. Kai and Kim and Ariel are still up (its about 1:00 now) because Kai and Kim have test and Ariel has an 8 page paper that she procrastinated on. Now, the walls in this mod are very thin. I can hear basically everything that they are saying, when they are talking. And its funny because every once in a while they talk about me. Now, I have been so busy lately just because I am doing and involved in so many things, so I cannot procrastinate on anything. It also makes me extremely worn out so I am usually in bed by midnight. There are some nights that maybe I should stay up later to do homework, but it is physically impossible for me to stay awake. So anyway, one of the things that I hear that completely made my day was from Kim. She says "I'm going to start wearing a W.W.J.D. bracelet for 'What would Jane do?'" I start cracking up but I don't want to be too loud and let them know that I heard them. So I just stifle my laughter and eventually drift off to sleep.

It really just makes me laugh because I feel like I am barely hanging on and keeping a grip on everything. I think its funny that they think I am so organized and whatnot.

I love my roommates. And eavesdropping apparently.

1 comment:

Nikol Schiller said...

=) that video made me laugh SO hard. i needed that.

i think we all feel like we're barely hanging on, but i think that you do a really good job, jane. you are amazing and we all love you.