Monday, August 31, 2009

If a tree falls in the forest...

Ok so I'm at work just sitting in my boss's (boss'-I'm not sure which one is grammatically correct) office. I sit in here when I don't want to be bothered by the people who walk by. Its kind of situated in a corner and hidden by lockers so people walking by can see the door opened but can't really see inside (if that makes any sense; I hope it does because that is not even the point of my story). Basically the idea is this: I'm hidden from view but people know somebody is in here. Or at least they assume.

Anyway, just now someone walks by and yells out "Good morning Dave." Now Dave is my boss. But he wasn't here. But the door was open. So this fellow just assumed it was Dave. But I couldn't just yell out hello because 1. I'm not Dave and 2. I'm not a boy so I can't even pretend to be Dave and yell hello. It would just confuse the person had I said hello because he probably would have come and talked to me and I would have to explain why I am hiding out in the office.

So now that person probably feels like an idiot for calling out hello and nobody is responding to him. And he's probably thinking that he's at least grateful that nobody was there to see this fail. But I was. And now I feel like the world's biggest jerk taking immense pleasure in making this guy feel awkward for saying hello to an empty office. But it wasn't empty. Because I'm in here. He just didn't know that.

It's like when you try and wave at someone across the room (or quad or hallway) but the person doesn't see you. So if you are being honest with yourself, you just waved at nobody but you try to play it off that somebody waved back at you so you're not a complete fool. Not that this has happened to me or anything. I've just heard that things like that happen.


Unknown said...

Or when you see someone wave at you and so you wave back but they were waving to someone behind you... sometimes you can play it off like you were waving to someone else too, but let's be honest, you weren't

Danielle Fletcher said...

Jane, this made me laugh out loud.
I love this story.

you're so wonderful.