Thursday, September 3, 2009


Ok. So I love sunsets. And it seems that the fires have really been making beautiful sunsets. (They have also been covering my car in ash and making it hard for me to breathe, but you take the good with the bad.) And since I always seem to have my camera here are some pictures from the past week. This would be taken the Thursday after the fires started. And the fires started on Tuesday. I took like a thousand this night.
I want to call this one blood red sun. But the sun isn't red. The sky surrounding it is red. So let's call it blood red sky with the sun in the middle.

This gets everything. The parking lot. The sun. The clouds. And the smoke from Station Fire (I had no idea that they named fires. I guess they have the same status as hurricanes?)

I just love this one. It's like a war between the dark clouds and the lighter clouds and the dark clouds are winning because they are the ones surrounding the sun the most.

I decided I wanted to do one in black and white. I feel like it sets the mood as somber.

Ok, so this isn't the sun setting. This would be the sun rising. This was taken as I was going to church on Sunday. Yes, taking pictures while I'm driving. Pretty soon that will be illegal, too.

I step outside my door and this is the sun that greets me on Monday of this week. It was very apocalyptic feeling.

Yeah, I just like this one too. This is from the same day.

This was taken from our athletic training room. Our football stadium is just beyond that fence behind the vans. See it? Just kidding. I mean, it's really there. You just can't tell from this picture.

This was from tonight. I almost missed it. But got a few that were decent. This was when I wished I could find a roof to just sit on top of and take a million pictures.


Danielle Fletcher. said...

I'm really glad you captured those.
totally end-of-the-world beautiful.

Nikol Schiller said...

freaking gorgeous pictures!

are you using a special camera to get these photos?