This is my current life: High School Football.
And let me tell you, its different then what I am used to. At APU, its a Christian atmosphere, with dedicated players, intense, short practices and people my age. At South Hills, I hear multiple cuss words, inappropriate comments to the "water girls," and coaches who don't know how to coach. (I'm not saying I could be better at this part but at least I would take it seriously.)
And as the days go on, it is growing on me. Its becoming endearing. And really its probably the setting that I want to be at in the future. And I know that I would have those players cease their cussing within a week. At least while they are around me and in the Athletic Training Room. That part is definitely not growing on me.
The other day we had to call the ambulance. And by we, I mean me. It was almost exhilarating putting the emergency action plan into actual action. I think the hardest part was when Mr. L (my new clinical instructor) had me talk to the kid's mom. She had no idea what was happening and only had me to bridge that gap. I could tell that she was really close to tears and she also told me that she was pregnant. It was just so real at that moment.
The kid is fine. No broken anything. Thankfully.
But while I was on the phone, we didn't know that. It could have been anything.
I feel like I talk about athletic training a lot. But its currently my life. They have been doing two a days. Get there at 8:40. Leave at 12:00 (ish). Come back at 3:30. Leave when the sun sets (About 7:40). Next week they start school so it will slow down a bit meaning, it will only be one practice. I think I expected it to be fewer hours and more laid back in terms of injuries. But its about the same amount of hours and its definitely laid back but way more injuries than college. But not as severe. So there are tradeoffs. As in everything in life.
P.S. I took the pictures with my phone all stealth like. I feel like blogs are better with visual aids.
1 comment:
i love your creeper photos
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