Monday, May 18, 2009


So I got back from driving down the coast with Alisha and I know that I have been posting the pictures on facebook but there is no commentary and no highlights of some of the really neat things. So here is a list. They aren't in any particular order. I was going to number them but I didn't choose them in that order to upload and its too annoying to change the picture order. So here goes:

1. The redwoods. They are just so amazing. They are so tall and big and strong and just breathtaking looking at them. We didn't see the drive thru tree. But that's okay because we got to see the other trees. And we got to go along Avenue of the Giants. So sweet. Definitely recommend it. Maybe on a tank of gas that you know for a fact is full though.

2. Starbucks was our friend on the trip. I wish I had a 'drink' but I don't I always just change my mind. Leesh has a drink: iced soy hazelnut caffe mocha with whipped cream. I think I got that right. I vary. Sometimes I like the iced coffee. Sometimes the chai tea. Or maybe a caramel macchiato. It just depends.

3. The Oregon Coast. It was so beautiful. It was green and foliage-y and cold. It was very cold. Especially in a tshirt. But it was worth it.

4. Haystack Rock. I think that's the name. It a prop in the goonies. Except it was along the coast of an Oregon Beach. So it was bitter cold. Like we were walking closer but it wasn't even worth it because well we were crying it was so cold. So we took some pictures and made like a banana and split.

5. Stopping along the drive because we see something cool. Yep we were able to just stop. And take some pictures. Just because we felt like it. No time table.

6. Driving down the 1 from Santa Cruz to San Luis Obispo area. So pretty. This picture actually doesn't show the beauty but it has me in it. That's why I think I chose it. This is from a stop at elephant seal beach. They were all washed up on the shore because they were molting. But you can't see them in the picture. Again, I think I chose this picture cause I was in it. Please excuse my farmer's tan. I am working on it this summer.

7. Seeing the Osborne's. Seriously the best part of the trip. They let us stay at their house and eat their food and made us breakfast and talked with us. They still caught up on everything in our lives. We were so blessed to have them while we were in the youth group.

8. Seeing the goonie house. Need I say more?

9. Well I will cause I put a picture of each of us in front of the house. It was just cool.

9. Amazing waterfall. There is so much power in falling water. Who knew? This was such a fun hike down to this place. And a really taxing hike back up to the car.

10. Bonfire at a lake. Okay so this is in here because it was just ridiculous. So we get to the sand area and there were no open pits. So Leesh, me and two others start to just stalk around the pits hoping to find an empty one or one that will soon be opened. And it works. Except another pair of people were doing the same thing. So we decide to share. They are high schoolers. Oh and when we start the fire they break out some beers. We're like whatever, they stay on their side we stay over here. Like an hour later a group of three or four comes and they have vodka! (I think, I don't really know liquor that well) And this group doesn't know either group they were just mooching on the fire. Anyway the best part comes next: the cops show up! And they see the high schoolers with the beer and make them poor out all their cans. And they ask if any of the back packs have beer. One kid steps forward and opens it. There were four cans! And the cops just make them open them up and pour all the beer out. And that was it. No reprimand. They just walk away after that. And they didn't even see the other group with their hard liquor. But after that happened the high school group was pretty much disbanded and we were left to just enjoy the bonfire. It was an interesting night. Ha.

11. The troll. Ever since I saw 10 things I hate about you and found out that this statue thing actually existed I have wanted to see it. So of course we see it the night I get there. Oh by the way I come in at eleven p.m. so by the time we get there it is definitely about midnight. (This picture was not from that night). Anyway I am in a group of four girls (including me) and one guy. So we start climbing around it. Well we have to help each other up it. The other three girls get on and then Leesh goes to help me up, she pulls on my arm, oh and it definitely comes out of the socket. I feel it and I'm in shock. It hurts pretty bad and I am in a strange city and I know that when my friend had his shoulder dislocated he went to the ER to get it back in. No joke my first thought was a t.v. show. In it this woman to put her shoulder back in she bangs it against a pole. Well, I didn't have a pole so I'm leaning against the rock, face forward, and I can't bring myself to just hit it. Even though all I want it to do is go back in. So I just sit down and Leesh is asking what needs to be done and I am freaking out and I feel like an idiot because its the first time I met these people and I'm thinking that maybe I'm overreacting or something. But it hurts really bad. So I'm trying to move it...and it goes back in. And I'm just so relieved. Anyway this makes me think that it was just a minor dislocation, called a subluxation. But then later in the trip when we are driving I feel a minor movement in my shoulder and I press on it and I feel it go back in. So that was when it subluxed. At the troll it definitely dislocated. And there isn't even much I can do for it. Its still gets sore. I just need to work on gaining muscle there. No big deal. I've got the whole summer.
Oh so this picture is when we went back to the troll. I think we went there a few more times on the trip. I'm still glad I went and saw it. I can mark that off on my things to do :)

12. And lastly all the many pictures that were of just me and Leesh. And there were a lot. Like a lot a lot. Because we were with each other for just about seven days straight... the car......when it was cold in Oregon......during our random stops...
...walking around seattle......and being just goofy and taking pictures when we were driving.
So those were the highlights.

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