Sunday, March 27, 2011

"God even cares about us making happy hour"

On Friday I got to hang out with the lovely Lyndsay Dean. We were on a mission to find bridesmaid dresses for her wedding, which I get to be a part of this summer. (We were in Crate and Barrel for this shot. They looked real enough to eat. Too bad they were plastic) Anyway, we had planned to eat cheap that night, so we were looking for a happy hour. But, alas, the places at Victoria Gardens were not accommodating. So we went to Lucilles BBQ because I had never been there. So we went to the bar area because we're both 21 and there was no waiting. And, luckily, cheap appetizers. We had no idea, just assumed we missed it. So we got some drinks and BBQ meat goodness with some biscuits and apple butter (I can't wait for the south living). So I made a joke that I love it when everything comes together and Lyndz make the quip that "God even cares about us making happy hour." I can't decide if that is blasphemy or not. But do you ever have some things just work out perfectly? And while to another person it is just the mundane details of life, like waking up on time even though you don't set your alarm. Does God really care about these small things in our lives? At church, we have been going through a series about Prayer. It has been inspiring to say the least. Today it was praying with thanksgiving. How often do we just ask without praising our God first, and maybe, only? Before, it was about praying with expectation. But be prepared for answers of "Not now" or "This way instead." Can we be perfectly satisfied when things don't go the way we ask them to? Absolutely. Because it is usually better. So we just live our lives. And sometimes things work out great. We get an extra 10% off, which brings some relief. Or we get an extension on a paper, that we are only half way done with. These mundane details of life somehow bring us joy and we can only praise God for this good fortune. But I can't help but wonder, why does He care so much? Or maybe it is just our egotistical human ways that makes us think that God even cares about happy hour.

1 comment:

colechristine said...

your heart is incredible. You're speaking truth sis, thanks for being real, it made me want to cry because i feel Jesus at work in you :)
i love you