Monday, January 18, 2010

Adult time

I sometimes get into the mindset that I am getting to the age of being an experienced adult. I mean, I am not living at home everyday, under the supervision of my loving, thoughtful parents, I have to keep making tough decisions, such as what I'm going to eat for dinner and if I should go to this party or not, and I'm in college where you really just have so many experiences, right?

But then I was talking to someone the other day and she made me feel really young. Let's see if I can recall her exact words: "Oh you're 20? You're just a baaaby."


And really I know that I'm not the experienced adult that I imagine myself to be. I don't have everything together. What is an adult anyway? Someone with two kids? Married? Career? Living alone? Watches the news instead of The Office? How can I reach that stage but not regret anything I do?

The other day, one of the most random memories from elementary school popped into my head. This one time, my friend asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. And I know this sounds weird, but I said I wanted to be a secretary. This was because I liked organizing things and helping people out with the things they needed to get done. So my friend looked at me and said "You have too much potential to be that." Mind you this was sixth grade, but I took that as a great compliment from my friend. (Also you knew that we were GATE students if we were able to use potential and know what it means. Yeah, I was a precocious child.)

I don't really want to settle in life. I want to experience so much. So now I'm just going to take what that other girl said as a compliment, too. I am just a baby but that means that I have a lot of time to do whatever I want.

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