Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dream Job

When I was in Chicago, one of the hosts asked someone what their dream job was. If money wasn't an issue and you could pick the perfect set up to do something for the rest of your life what would it be?

And that became something that we talked about. We had visionaries in our group that I think often fueled this discussion (Nicole). But its something to think about.

The other day when I was talking with my ACI (Approved clinical instructor) Darrick, we talked about what his dream setting would be. This question was sparked by his statement "I hate injuries. I'd rather focus on performance." If money wasn't an option he would open up his own facility and have every performance gadget out there. But when he was at APU, they only had athletic training, not applied exercise science. So that is why he ended up an athletic trainer.

Its interesting to see what's important to people if they could imagine the dream job for themselves.

My friend Matty P recently showed me this amazing article:

It honestly made me cry reading it because it moved me so much. Basically its about this woman named Natalie Randolph who became the head varsity football coach at a high school in Virginia. She didn't plan on it and even refused to accept the job at first. But she's in charge of 130 athletes, inspiring them to not only be good football players but also encouraging them to excel academically.

And as I'm reading that, this is my dream job. (Probably not a football coach though. I don't know enough about that sport at all.) But to be in the inner city somewhere, getting these kids to believe that they can accomplish so much more then what society has told them.

Based on what we see in our world, we have dreams of doing things, but it is not necessarily where we end up. Life leads us down different paths. So I might end up being an athletic trainer for the Chicago Bears and I'll still like it even if its not my current dream right now. How do we become match our reality with the vision we have for ourselves? And how do we know what the right choices are? And how hard are we willing to work to make it happen??

Ugh. I hate growing up.

And yet I love it at the same time.

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