Growing up, validation is something we often seek from our peers. We want to be accepted and just validated.
During the school year, as an athletic trainer, I looked for validation from the athletes that I worked with. This usually came with them knowing my name. Or them trusting the advice that I gave them.
This summer I have found that I am searching for validation from youth group leaders, 6 and 7 year olds, and homeless guys.
Youth group leaders come each week with expectations. (And some even come with no expectations.) Either way, I want to be as accommodating as I can be. I want them to be able to say "Wow, Jane, our host, really cared about our group." Cause I do, I care about all these students coming actually wanting to serve the city. I know going on short term missions growing up has definitely shaped who I am. It's weird being on the other side and actually facilitating the trip, but I have learned so much from each group that has come.
Each week that I take my group to the boys and girls club, I find myself gravitating towards the cadet boys. They are aged 6 to 7 and I definitely seek validation from them. I just love them. Such as these two boys. They just want love. They have so many nicknames for me, such as Mrs. Goldilocks or Mrs. Smiley. After four weeks I think the majority of them even know my real name. I want to take all of them home with me. They have just touched my heart in so many ways.
I have been lucky enough to go back there almost every week I have been here. And really, for some reason, when some of the guys come up to me and recognize me from talking to them the week before, it is such validation.
They really are great guys that come here. It was definitely weird at first that we go to this place just to make conversation. We don't necessarily serve or clean or anything. Just conversation and attention to individuals that may not ever get it during the day.
So that's where I currently seek validation. To me it means that I am doing something right. That I am where I'm supposed to be right now. Even though some days are hard. And sometimes I just want an ocean beach. Its really just what I need to be doing right now.
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